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Active Windows by Phone Call

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After buying  Windows Keys from us Follow this process if you don't find the option to Activate your PC by Phone:

1. Now let’s proceed to the activation of Windows by phone. Click on the Start menu => Enter in the search bar CMD =>  Then right-click on the result “Command Prompt” => Run as administrator 

2. Next, in the command prompt itself (terminal), enter the command 

(where “X” is the key itself)
. Then press Enter.

If the product key has been accepted, a window should appear with the message “Installed product key successfully”.

3) Enter the following command: 

slui 4
and also press the Enter button on the keyboard.

4) Next, you will see a window with the choice of your country of location, for example, from the drop-down menu we select “United Kingdom”. (You choose your location) Then click “Next”.

5) Now you will have a window of direct activation by phone.

Note: You don't need to call! Just send me the Screenshot of the below page.

বিঃদ্রঃ আপনার কোনো কল করতে হবে না, আপনি আমাদেরকে নিচের মতো স্ক্রিনশট দিবেন, আমরা আপনার হয়ে কল করে কোড দিবো।

7. Click "Enter Confirmation ID" and type or paste the code that you already got from us.

Then it will be activated.

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